Friday, October 7, 2011

Funny Kids

Joseph just has to get dressed as soon as he gets up these days, he also has to have his shoes on at all times. So yesterday I was getting everyone out of bed, etc and I heard him going through his dresser. I stepped into his room and found him standing on his step stool, arms draped over the open top drawer and holding a pair of underwear in each hand.
"Joseph, do you need some help?"
"I'm tryin to pick my underwear, should I wear red or white?" He is only 3 1/2 and was referring to the color of the elastic. So my answer was red of course and he was good with that. I pulled out two pair of pants, khaki or blue jeans. He picked the blue jeans. From there we move on to the shirts. I pull out two, one is maroon with Buzz Lightyear on it and the other is just a plain red, long sleeve. He picks Buzz. So we're set right?!

10 minutes later our other 3 1/2 yr old boy gets up and has his Lightning McQueen shirt on. Joseph jumps up and runs to his room, pulls out his Lightning McQueen shirt that he wore the day before and put it on. They are only 3!

Then just last night, Albert was talking about work and said he used the work midget and everyone acted like he had just killed someone. He likes to debate HR questions with me...He says, why can't we say midget, that's what they are. What else should we call them?
Sweet, levelheaded Gabriella had the perfect answer, "By their name?"

It is never a dull moment around here. Right now I have a 15 mo old getting over a stomach virus and 3 more just starting! It is gonna be a long weekend!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Finallly, it feels like a successful day of homeschooling. Today we have been studying our History of the World and started on Egypt and the Nile river. So, what better activity than watching The Prince of Egypt? Cool how it all fits together.

This has been quite challenging, some days I wonder if it is possible. But then there are days like today.

Albert went to his dr last week and had another appt today. Pray for his health, the first dr visit was just yearly, waiting to hear the results of bloodwork.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I have been out of my Thyroid meds for like 3 days now. Today was at least my third attempt to pick it up at the pharmacy. Due to some truly odd events it has taken this long to get it, and even then they had to fill it while I waited. All of that to say, I have been totally exhausted! Sit down in a chair and fall right to sleep kind of tired.

Now I feel like I am a week behind. Hopefully my energy level and mood will improve today due to taking my medication. Homeschooling is going great...with the ones who are doing first grade as a review. It is going fine with the other...I just have to remember this is all new to her. Baby is feeling better but the "triplets" (3 yr) have proven to be a challenge.

Each day holds tons of promise, we are all on a learning curve. The occupational therapist that comes to work with one of the 3 yr olds said, "30 minutes really goes by fast." I told her that several hours can disappear in this house!

Enjoy your day!!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Busy Weeks

It has been quite a whirlwind the past two weeks! Start school, fly to Lufkin because daddy is really sick, fly back and find out on the phone that Joseph is headed to the ER for staples in his head and a sick baby at home who wants to be held all the time. Mix that with a babysitter who's schedule has changed and that changes the Home School schedule. Wow, and I must say...I don't remember Morgan or Dane being such an escape artist as baby boys is!

But around 8:30 a.m. each morning, when I have the 7 home and we are outside playing in the fresh air...all the love I get...It is all worth it!

Here's to a productive holiday weekend! Love to all...

Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day of School

Wow, what a day. All of the kids and I am totally exhausted! My 2 public school kids had a great day, but did absolutely no school work. I had to stop by the school nurse's office this morning and witnessed children, at least 4th grade, learning to walk in a line! Seriously? I would not lie about something so sad. The nurse asked how home schooling was going, I told her we had already done our math lessons for the day, she said,"well you're doing better than these, they haven't done any school work so far."

Trying to get the baby's schedule worked out with my babysitter (who starts back to college on Monday), and our school schedule to work with 3 three year olds in the house is kind of a slow process. Come on Head Start!

All in all, we had a very successful day, we got in Math, Handwriting, Reading, Science and History! Even more important, I got a commitment for cleaning help from my babysitter. She wants to stay on, keep making the $ even if I have fewer kids at home. If she will clean and wash clothes while I teach, then both of our prayers will have been answered!

Finally some answers about my dad's health...he has viral meningitis and is in ICU. We expect him to be in the hospital for at least 7 days. Please continue to pray for my dad's health and my mother's patience.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Where have I been?

Wow! Has it really been that long since I posted? I've been lazy, trying to take care of the kids (9) and my favorite kid (Albert).

Since February we have finalized our adoption of the Marmon 4. Pictures to come. and we now have 5 foster kids to boot. Kids ages are as follows...9, 9, 7, 7, 6, 3, 3, 3, 1.
School starts in 2 days and I will be homeschooling our 4 with the one year old in the house. Two will be in public school and hopefully 2 will be in Head Start shortly.

As always we are accepting prayers and any comments you might have.
Oh how I am craving the structure. Last week we all got up at 7 a.m. and this week we have gotten up at 6 a.m. I feel like it will make a tremendous difference.

Adoption pictures will be coming in the next month!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Getting ready for Valentines

Valentines Day is almost here...Are you ready?
Homemade candy hearts, aren't they cool? It's really fun to add your own sayings, I've got a lot of girls who will love these!